New Moon

The moon is currently 28 days old, and is therefore waning. It is 396054.5 km from the centre of the Earth. The next new moon is at 2021-08-08 13:50:46.Phase Moon Name: 0.94712374303441

date: 1729382400
dayOfTheYear: 294
day: 20
daySuffix: th
dayInt: 20
dayInitial: S
dayShort: Sun
dayNumeric: 7
dayNumericInt: 7
name: Sunday
month: October
monthShort: Oct
monthNumeric: 10
monthNumericInt: 10
year: 2024
yearInt: 2024
week: 42
weekDayInt: 0
weekInt: 42
date: 2024-10-20 00:00:00
illumination: 0.027341527457710346
age: 28
distance: 396054.5
diameter: 0.5028554340009558
sundiameter: 0.53
sundistance: 151705458.55088422
stage: waning
new_moon: 2021-07-10 01:17:43
next_new_moon: 2021-08-08 13:50:46
full_moon: 2021-07-24 02:37:27
first_quarter: 10:11:37, 17 Jul 2021
next_first_quarter: 15:21:04, 15 Aug 2021
last_quarter: 13:18:16, 31 Jul 2021
next_last_quarter: 7:15:02, 30 Aug 2021
phase: New Moon
phase_name: 0.9471237430344126